Key Considerations When Establishing A Special Needs Financial Trust

Law Blog

The establishment of a special needs financial trust is often seen as a crucial step towards securing the future of a loved one with special needs. However, it is not a task that should be undertaken lightly. Several key considerations should be taken into account during the process. The first consideration is the selection of a trustee. The trustee's role is one of great responsibility, as they will be tasked with managing the trust and making financial decisions on behalf of the beneficiary.

18 September 2023

When to Hire a Car Accident Injury Attorney

Law Blog

The aftermath of an auto accident often leaves victims grappling with physical pain, emotional distress, and financial worries. While some cases might seem straightforward enough for individuals to handle on their own, there are situations where the expertise of a car accident injury attorney becomes crucial. In scenarios involving severe or long-term injuries resulting from accidents like these, medical bills can skyrocket while wages dwindle due to time off work. A seasoned personal injury lawyer is adept at understanding how insurance companies calculate damages and will strive tirelessly towards securing fair compensation for you.

7 August 2023

How To Protect Your Finances During An Airplane Repo

Law Blog

If you own an airplane, you know how expensive it can be to maintain and pay for its fees and taxes. Sometimes, you may find yourself in a situation where you can't afford to keep up with your payments and risk losing your airplane to repossession. This can devastate your finances and lifestyle, mainly if you rely on your aircraft for business or personal travel. However, there are some steps you can take to prevent this from happening and keep your airplane from being repossessed.

28 June 2023

Facing Medical Malpractice Case Challenges

Law Blog

Filing a medical malpractice case can be a complex process. The complexity lies in proving claims, dealing with legal regulations, costs, and more. Below are a few common issues with medical malpractice cases that may be encountered. Burden of proof  Medical malpractice cases require the injured party (plaintiff) to prove that the healthcare provider's negligence caused harm. This typically involves demonstrating that the healthcare provider deviated from the standard of care and that this deviation directly led to the injuries or damages suffered.

24 May 2023

Things An Art Lawyer Can Help You With

Law Blog

As an artist, there are going to be times when you should consider consulting with an art lawyer. Not sure when that might be? Take a little time to read through the upcoming points so you will never be left in the dark, or potentially find yourself faced with legal troubles because you didn't have someone with art law experience helping you. Gallery Contracts Whether you have been approached by a gallery to have some of your art displayed for a single event or for an ongoing show, you will want to talk with an art lawyer.

17 April 2023

6 Issues A Real Estate Litigation Lawyer Might Handle

Law Blog

Because of the amounts of money involved in most real estate transactions as well as the confusing contracts, laws, and paperwork involved, property owners often need the assistance of a legal expert in the field of real estate. A real estate litigation lawyer is exactly that. He or she is a legal expert that specializes in handling disputes that arise from real property or interest in real property. Below are six common areas of expertise in this particular field.

16 March 2023

What Do You Know About Disability Payments? Facts You Need To Know Before Pursuing The Benefits

Law Blog

Injuries or health conditions can limit your ability to perform job tasks. In such a situation, disability benefits can be your lifeline. Unfortunately, some of the information you might get from people and other sources can make you take the wrong steps when applying for these payments. Consequently, you might fail to qualify and get your rightful benefits. Therefore, it is only advisable to seek advice from a disability attorney when applying for benefits for your condition.

8 February 2023