Filing A Personal Injury Suit? Three Mistakes You Don't Want To Make

Law Blog

Filing a personal injury claim is potentially one of the most complex legal cases you will ever face. There is a lot of room for interpretation in personal injury cases, which makes it important to have a reliable and skilled attorney to help you navigate the process. In addition to having a solid legal support team, there are a few things that you should keep in mind after an injury. Here are some tips to help you preserve the integrity of your case and avoid costly mistakes.

27 February 2015

Pedestrian Safety: Keep Yourself Protected From An Accident

Law Blog

Walking is a great way to get exercise and enjoy the great outdoors. Unfortunately, when it comes to distracted or careless drivers, a nice walk can also be a dangerous practice. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 4,700 pedestrians were killed in accidents in the year 2012. Knowing how to protect yourself and what to do in the event of an accident will prove vital to your health and safety.

18 February 2015

The Right To Remain Silent: What You Need To Know

Law Blog

If you've watched any police show, you've heard the police say these words, "You have the right to remain silent." You know this statement to be a reading of the individual's Miranda Rights, but how much do you know about them? The unfortunate truth is invoking your right to silence is a little more complicated than just not speaking. Knowing how to properly invoke your right to silence is the key to keeping yourself out of trouble.

9 February 2015

How You Sue After A Reckless Driver Hits Your Car & Injures Your Child

Law Blog

Did your child suffer a serious injury after your car was hit by a reckless driver? You and your child deserve justice, and a lawyer can help you sue the other driver for being so careless while operating a vehicle. In this article, find out about everything you can sue for concerning your injured child and how much it will cost to hire a lawyer to help out with the case.

2 February 2015

The Importance Of Finding A Responsible Medical Malpractice Lawyer


If you are or someone you care about has been injured due to medical malpractice, you have every right to sue for compensation for undue pain and suffering or to replace unpaid wages due to unnecessary time lost at work. Care must be taken however to ensure that you hire a medical malpractice lawyer that is truly interested in helping you regain what you lost, not just line their own pockets.

27 January 2015

Four Surprising Things You Can Achieve With A Restraining Order Against An Abusive Partner

Law Blog

One way of dealing with an abusive partner is to get a restraining order against him or her. As you probably know, such an order will bar him or her from making any contact with you, either physically or via mail or phone calls. What you may not know is that there are many other useful functions of a restraining order. For example, you can use it to get your abusive partner to leave you alone:

20 January 2015

The 5 Key Reasons Your Social Security Disability Benefits Might Be Denied


The application process for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can be completed by most people. The rejection rate for fist-time applications, nearly 70 percent according to the Social Security Administration, makes it important to use the services of social security disability lawyers to complete the application successfully. Don't waste your time by filing an inaccurate application. Hire an attorney to make sure you aren't denied for one of the following reasons.

14 January 2015

3 Ways An Owner May Be Liable For A Dog Bite

Law Blog

Were you recently bitten by a dog? If so, it was likely a scary and painful experience. It may have even caused injuries that required serious medical attention or forced you to miss time at work. You may be able to take legal action to pursue compensation for your injuries. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the bite, it's possible that the dog's owner could be financially responsible for the incident. Here are three criteria that generally establish liability.

6 January 2015